Well we were having some technical difficulties in accessing our own blog. It is boggling my mind trying to keep track of all the log-in names and passwords. Note to self. Write them down somewhere and lock it up.
We've been working on all the material for our website, finding a format and supplying our web designer with bios, class descriptions and of course blog material.
Tomorrow we have an appointment to look at a restaurant space, it's probably too big, but it's a nice and I'm looking forward to just be in a space that has more than potential. We will also be spending tomorrow looking at more spaces and areas of town. This part is depressingly slow. Our retail agent has only a few leads and is tough to get a hold of, people with lease signs on their buildings don't return phone calls. What the hell is up with that??
We had a fancy for the BBQ Daddy spot on Hawthorne but we found out today it's being torn down. What a bummer, I thought that space was great. If you see a space that would be perfect for us make sure you let us know.
The plan is ready for action!!
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